Is there a way to share a file onto this site? I am working on an entire sector of BP, and would like to upload files as they are, so that transcribing them to webpages can be done myself, or with the assistance of whomever wants to help. Right now, I have the physical descriptions of 1 sub-sector done, with a second about 3/8 done (still need to do two more sub-sub-sectors in metric, and then translate them into BW&M units) of the 8 sub-sectors planned and laid out. I'm also working (much more slowly) on laying out the history of the sector (mainly consisting of translating numbers to locations, and adding da to actual locations). Obviously, with a sector vision of just under 1300 systems, this is taking a while to set up (approximately 1 yr / sub-sector). Another option would be to upload the raw data files, and allow them to be translated that way to web pages and BW&M units.