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Ania moon


Universe-->Basilicus Prime Cluster-->Basilicus Prime Galaxy-->Ionro Arm-->Kelos Sector-->Kelos System-->Loese-->Ania

Moon Statistics[]

Orbital Radius (Around Loese) 2878 centipars


6.067 centipars


39.7 getrels per cubic decipar

Acceleration due to Gravity

.096 nanopars per Galactic Second squared


7.99 E22 tetrels

Length of Day

15.72 Galactic Hours

Axial Tilt

1.87 degrees

Loese Orbital Duration

16.2 Galactic Hours


Distant Small Inorsemarctic

Primary Atmospheric Composition

90% Nitrogen, 8% Methane, 2% Oxygen

Average Surface Temperature

-6 Kin

Atmospheric Pressure

1.4 bars

Escape Velocity

43 millipars per GI


Ania is likely the most populated moon in the Kelos System, because it is the only extraterrestrial body that is very similar to Crystaldeep in its overall composition and general statistics. Other other-worldly, the world is as close to Crystaldeep in terms of atmosphere, size, gravity, and composition as any other object in the system. The geology of the moon is also very similar to Crystaldeep.

One of the more prominent features of Ania, is the fact it has lakes, albeit consisting of liquid methane. It is one of the only bodies in the Kelos System with natural lake formations. Additionally, the rapid rotation of Ania allows for weather systems, clouds, atmospheric pressure and other Crystaldeep-unique qualities. Its deep and hazy atmosphere also kept many meteorites out and so left the surface relatively unmarked. Other then the methane content and distance from Kelos, the major difference between Ania and Crystaldeep is its very low gravitational pull. This has created interesting engineering dilemmas for major settlements on the world such as Leverrier and Adams Base.

The gas and heat come primarily from Ania's subterranean activity. It's methane and ammonia mantle is completely frozen, but as fissures in the crust expose the ice to Kelos, gas converts itself naturally into hydrogen. The atmosphere exhales ethane and carbon in what is called "dark rain" that often paints the surface of the moon after storms. These lakes have cumulated over the geological years and the largest, Anahari Sea stretches 5 centipars across.

Ania was likely formed due to the gravitational affects of Loese. Its extreme conditions froze the natural coagulation of gases and due to the content of the gases, an atmosphere was formed and maintained. The surface is methane and ammonia ice so solid it is no different then rock, only in warm temperatures does the ice loosen enough to emit steady streams of nitrogen into the atmosphere.


The Nitrogen thick atmosphere has heavier concentrations of methane and frequent ethane storms result from the rapid rotation of the moon. These ethane storms dump carbon enriched liquid on the ice-rock on the planet's surface, discoloring it into a drab rusty color. The methane run-off flows down the smooth, but varying elevations of the surface and collect into lakes common through about 4% of the surface.

Ania has a nearly horizontal axis, but since it is in orbit around Loese, it receives an equal distribution of sunlight through its year. The magnetic north faces Loese directly and the greenish-blue planet completely eclipses the sky putting daylight into a dim blue-ish twilight at all times. Because of this, the northern regions of Ania never see direct sunlight and very little differentiation in temperatures. The magnetic south faces into space and so receives a regular day and night schedule and has warm and cold seasons, though at these temperatures they are hardly discernable. The only real affect is that in the warmer months more nitrogen is released from the rock-ice crust.

The most intense storms come from the Loese side of the moon and dissolve into the south. They are mostly violent during the south's "summer" months as the more drastic change in temperature calls the climate down. The biggest storms occur at the moon's equator, but they still don't measure to some of the large storms on other worlds in Kelos, such as Crystaldeep.


It is too cold for Ania to support life, but the heavy atmosphere makes biodome life much more tolerable then in other worlds. The energy needed to operate the biodomes are far less then elsewhere, since ample nitrogen can simply be funneled into the ventilation systems. The low cost in life support, makes it a destination for development leading to its current status as the most populated moon in the Kelos System.


Ania is exclusively Congressional Civilized Space, meaning it falls under Congressional Law and is not administered by any single nation. Directly administered by the Congress of Crystaldeep, there is a governor in charge of Loese and a Lieutenant Governor in charge of Ania. The LG allows for local nominations in communities and biodomes, however Adam's Base is run by the Stellar Corps administration and operates outside Governor and Lieutenant Governor code.

Ania works in close political affiliation with other Loese moons and is consider the largest and most influential force in Loese space. Having the most population and the largest Stellar Corps base pretty much anything Ania does, the rest of Loese space residents do. Ania also provides a great deal of financial and political support to other Loese space, particularly with the latest LG, Gres Lesll who has been in power for 5 Galactic Years.

The LG has an elected council of advisors, law makers and judges. The Stellar Corps is responsible for law enforcement in all Ania territories and are even obligated to enforce local law that may not be consistent with other regions in Congressional Civilized Space.

Trade and Economy[]

The largest industry in Ania is military and it its engine is Adam's Base. Leverrier, Ania's largest settlement, is a heavy producer of industrial materials for thousands of private organizations and is the center of the majority of Kelos System's research and development due to the vast open spaces with ideal environmental conditions. Materials produced on Ania are distributed all over the civilized galaxy and what it lacks in culture it makes for in its workhorse economy.

In addition to its interterrestrial and interstellar industry, Ania is also the economic hub of Loese space, pulling the neighboring systems in moons economic weight. It produces 70% of the planetary system's food, product, and technology. What is not imported from Ania is likely not available in the Kelos System at all. The Loese Planetary System relies heavily on the money generated by Adams Base and applicable services. As part of the Congressional Law a portion of earnings made by Ania are distributed among the Planetary System and the Kelos System as well. Next to Anul, Ania is the largest contributor to the Kelos System and the Congress of Crystaldeep for a moon.

Like all other provinces in Congressional Civilized Space, Ania's trade and economy is regulated by the Pangalactic Trade Commission.


Settled initially as the gateway to the Kelos System, it was intended to be a military installation. Before it was settled by the Congress of Crystaldeep, however, the Arrqs used it as a launching point to reach Crystaldeep itself. The war, in fact, climaxed on Ania toward the later years of the invasion before the Arrqs were finally pushed out. Their military installations still exist in the southern regions of the moon in the same disarray they were left in a hundred-fifty years ago.

Adams Base was intended to be Kelos System's stronghold and military outpost protecting the borders of the system. It didn't take very long before strategic bases were established as stations orbiting key points in outer Kelos space and Adams Base then became a normal institution. The base had a long history of training however and soon became the location of most Stellar Corps training and eventually the location of special forces.

It was Adams Base the encouraged civilian settlements on Ania, the first and largest being Leverrier, located very close to the base. The population exploded after its first settlement and only plateaued about fifty years ago. Almost congested in some places, the biodomes of Ania are some of the oldest and most famous in the system's history. Its efficient use of energy made it a hallmark on extraterrestrial settlement ingenuity.

Being the center of industry in the system, the people of Ania have flourished in recent years. Their services are greatly needed from Kelos's two-front war and so workers benefit from both the military and industrial sectors.


The blue-collar, industrial, and military nature of Ania does not lend itself to much in the sense of art and culture. The music scene, however, is pretty big on Ania having generated three or four music superstars in the past couple decades. Besides music, sports are greatly revered and the most successful Arball team in the Kelos Sector belongs to Leverrier.

Generally the people of Ania are working class folks with conservative traditions and values. Most adhere to native Crystaldeep religions. Despite that, however, they are far more tolerant to non-Kelosians then the rest of the system. Being in the center of military prowess, most Anian ancestors saw the bravery over their alien counterparts. Ania is one of the few places in the Kelos System where non-Kelosians can have jobs comparable to the rest of the citizens. Being a trade mecha also lends itself to being much more tolerant of other cultures and species.

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