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The Jeji System takes its name from the only habitable planet in the system. The system is made of the habitable planet and three moons, one of which is habitable. The warrior-like Aedatani did not develop any form of interstellar travel, until stumbled upon by a prominent Sileian Politician. After this point the Jeji System became a large part of the galactic scheme. The star itself, was first discovered by a research team several thousand years ago.


The Jeji system is governed by a democratic parliament, with representatives from both Jeji and Jeji II. New delegates to parliament are elected every two years. The system is represented by Senator Melissa Shelton. The system is alligned with the Independent Coalition of Systems.

Trade & Economy[]

Two major trade routes converge in the Jeji System, providing a massive inflow of goods. The System's major export is shipbuilding, a large annex of the Danouarri Orbital Shipyards rotates above the planet and the moons. The Jogau System is the Jeji System's largest economic partner and closest neighbor.

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