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Loese is a work in progress. General Eisenhower is actively working on the article and more content will be added on an ongoing basis until complete.




Universe-->Basilicus Prime Cluster-->Basilicus Prime Galaxy-->Ionro Arm-->Kelos Sector-->Kelos System-->Loese


World Statistics[]

Scientific Attribution

Common Attribution

Orbital Radius

Planetary Classification: Local Inorterrarid




Acceleration due to Surface Gravity

Rotational Period

Orbital Period

Axial Tilt

Primary Atmospheric Composition

Average Surface Temperature

Escape velocity

Outer Moons

Inner Moons

Debris and Small Moons


  • Loese Station


Like Vovia, Loese is a giant ball of hydrogen and helium. It is famous for being the largest planet in the Kelos System. A breathtaking sight, Loese has developed a tourist industry, although not to the extent of Vovia’s. Loese is a major base of operations for corporations and traders, as well as a training space for the Stellar Corps. There are far more permanent settlements in Loese space than in Vovia, partly because the moons of Loese are far more stable, but also because of the trade and military presence.

Although there are orbital stations in orbit of Loese, they aren’t nearly as many of them as in Vovian space. Many casinos, hotels and resorts have set up stations in orbit, as well as on a few of the moons. Thrill-seekers frequent the area, exploring the dangerous and constantly changing landscape of space debris and ice. The wealthy live in orbital stations, admiring the view from afar. There is also an orbital spaceport in addition to many on the moons.

Loese itself has no useful resources, however, many of its moons do. Most of Loese space is Congressional Space, although great portions of the moons have been claimed by companies and nations. The largest private spaces, however, are preserved by the Congress of Crystaldeep for the Stellar Corps training. Fighter Pilots are trained around Loese’s many moons and debris, while soldiers are put in every extreme condition from scorching temperatures to freezing ones. Special operatives are taught to maneuver themselves in torrential atmospheres while transport pilots are taught to pilot in these same conditions. Loese represents every conceivable combat need and is the prime location for military training of many nations.





Game Rules[]

  • BRPG


[ ] Location Tree
[ ] System
[ ] Scientific Name
[ ] Indigenous Name
[ ] Orbital Radius
[ ] Density
[ ] Orbital Duration
[ ] Radius
[ ] World Size
[ ] Acceleration Due to Gravity
[ ] Mass
[ ] Length of Day
[ ] Axial Tilt
[ ] Planet Class
[ ] Average Surface Temperature
[ ] Population
[ ] Density
[ ] Coordinates
[ ] Time System
[ ] Governing Leadership


[X] Summary
[ ] History
[ ] Geography
[ ] Climate
[ ] Geology
[ ] Government
[ ] Legal System
[ ] Economy
[ ] Demographics
[ ] Ethnicity
[ ] People and Culture
[ ] Religion
[ ] Arts and Entertainment
[ ] Cities
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Education
[ ] Sports
[ ] Media
[ ] Technology
[ ] Transportation


[ ] Planetscape
[ ] Flag/Banner
[ ] Seal/Symbol
[ ] Political Map
[ ] Geological Map
[ ] Climate Map
[X] Planet Picture

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