

on a galactic scale

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The Niti System located on the south edge of the core region of the Avopei-Larru Galaxy. The System is under the jurisdiction of the Independent Coalition of Systems. The system contains twenty-four planets, Aesri, Aidalla, Aimi, Ainosa, Atina, Attadella, Cleadeva, Darai, Doleid, Eikara, Idrajenna, Illirnan, Imeve, Jocou, Jossai, Monnan, Oable, Oaheli, Oisel, Osau, Rialidra, Urani, Vindri, Vundara. Nine planets are able to be inhabited, Aidalla, Ainosa, Cleadeva, Idrajenna, Imeve, Jocou, Jossai, Oable, and Vindri. The planet Attadella used to house life, but after a catastophic disaster all life was removed from the planet. The sister planets Jocou and Jossai form a binary planet system. The system has two stars, one at both the north and south ends. All of the planets revolve in a complex figure-8 pattern that has yet to result in a collision. A small black hole resides outside the south end of the system, which makes travel outside of the system very difficult.

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