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Quathalan Star System
Star Name Quathalan
Scientific Name Málasar
Class 2.0
Avg Temperature 2866.89 Lana (5296°C)
Luminosity Unknown
Mass 5.291344E24 Cardara (1.27758E+30Kg)
Radius 205.59 Carpicë

{some amount} Yin (4.36 billion years)

Governorship(s) Antyevala Federation, United Nations' Alliance, Tlaxtlan Empire
Government Absolute Federalism, Democracy (and minorities), Monarchy
Governor(s) Laduin Úrimaurë
Aliances None
Largest Civilisation The Tlaxtlan Empire
Capital Vilyanaluin (AF), Braglir (UNA), Qlotza (TE)
Weights and Measures QMS
Language(s) Nyaluin, Sciomrig, Klixtza
Society Class Type B: Interstellar Society
Population 22.64 Billion
Anthem “Varálin”; "Luðgem"; "Hluam'po Kirixla"
Motto "Knowledge is the first and last" (Antyevala; yet to be translated)
Currency Astë
Productivity n/a
GDP 2,000,000,000,000 Astë ($17,832,200,896,512) (AF only)
Imports None for Antyevala, many for UNA, TE
Exports Raw materials, finished products for all; AF exceeding others by far

*Note: all units in the Quathalan Star System section of the above table are in Quathalan Measurement System, which is in base 12 (10 being A, 11 being B, and 12 being 10).


Universe-->Basilicus Prime Cluster-->Basilicus Prime Galaxy-->Tumusc Arm-->Quathalan Sector-->Quathalan System


The Quathalan System is a relatively small system with only three planets: Thwendiel, Velinor, and Maron. Thwendiel is an ungaseous planet which has extremely good conditions for life to thrive. Thwendiel, and Velinor have the only sentient life forms in the system. Though it also has many many other lesser life forms. And while Velinor does have plenty of life, it is much smaller than Thwendiel. Much further away from the sun than the other two planets is Maron, a gaseous giant. This giant is of awesome proportions and is astronomically huge. This being the case, it has a few benefits for the other two planets. Maron has a very strong gravitational force which attracts almost all the meteorites/comets/asteroids, etc, so the other two small planets stay in relative safety. This has allowed life on both planets two evolve and adapt rather than be destroyed. It also—inexplainably—exutes a strange force in an almost circular area which seems to disable radio transmissions, or anything of the like, either malfunctioning them or making the original machine sending the transmission dysfunctional, deeming the use of it as absolutely impossible. This dysfunction is a lot rearer than the malfunctioning though. Thwendiel has one moon, Velinor has one small one, and Maron has 246. The sentient species of the system have come to inhabit these moons.


The Quathalan System is in relative state of peace, due to the signing of the Úrimaurë Accords. This signing was between the Antyevala Federation (AF) (and its partial-allies, the United Nations' Alliance (UNA)) and the Tlaxtlan Empire, who were at war, and had caused much destruction. After the signing, the system has flourished, prospered, grown, and repaired and rebuilt. The many smaller nations of Thwendiel, which the UNA is comprised of and who suffered many bombardments from the Tlaxtlan of Velinor, have strengthened their relationship with the AF, especially after the war, for they—the AF—had protected all the other inhabitants of Thwendiel when the Tlaxtlan attacked. Although this cooperation between all the nations is resolute in the face of an interstellar threat, there are many issues on Thwendiel yet to be resolved.

Despite all this, the system continues to prosper, discover, and learn (although this has mainly been the works of the AF). The Antyevala Federation is by the most powerful nation in the system; and all outsiders would be wise to express the utmost caution if coming into contact with them.


The Quathalan System consists of many governments. On Velinor, the Tlaxtlan Empire of Conquamundi, the government is a monarchy, for which they have a very strict system for deciding who becomes the next monarch if the previous one dies or by some extraordinary circumstanes. In these cases there are, again, strict laws depending on the situation.

The mightiest nation of Thwendiel is Antyevala. This is the nation of the AF; that is, the Antyevala Federation. They conduct an Absolute Federalism; that is, all power belongs to the High Lords of Antyevala. There are twelve High Lords. This may seem to some people more of an oligarchy, or perhaps a sort of dictatorship. But this is just the central body. Each High Lord is responsible for one department of the nation, apart from the Divine High Lord, who governs the entire Federation (and partially oversees the Clandestine Order). Each department has a critical job in the maintenance of the nation. For example, there is one department for Science and Technology; another for Internal Affairs, and another for External Affairs. Each of these departments is divided into many offices, agencies, and bureaus which in themselves may be further divided, depending on what is necessary. All these Departments working together through the Council of the High Lords, help to run and maintain the Antyevala Federation and anything affecting it with the utmost efficiency.

As for the other nations of Thwendiel, most used type of government is democracy but there are also several cases of constitutional republics, constitutional monarchies, monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, anarchies, and a few abstract and very minor other types of governments which only a very few countries use. The United Nations' Alliance is a body which is trying to sort out every nations problems and unite all the nations so that everyone can become more prosperous and powerful.

Trade and Economy[]

Conquamundi is a self-sufficient economy as is Antyevala. Their economies have been very successful. But not only is Antyevala self-sufficient, it also exports a huge amount of resources making it the wealthiest nation in the system by a long, long way. To give a little idea of how rich they are, is The Vault. It is made up of five parts. One part contains one quadrillion asten, a truly huge amount (1,000,000,000,000,000).

Of the other nations of Thwendiel, their economies most often rely on each other. Also, the wealthiness of nations varies hugely, sometimes making it quite unstable. Recessions can happen if the wealthier countries do not look after themselves and the economy.

The War of Maron (the war that ended with the signing of the Úrimaurë Accords; the greatest war in the system's history) destroyed much of the economy of the other nations of Thwendiel while the Tlaxtlan economy managed to get by just and the AF merely had to rebuild, repair and rearm a small amount of things; they even gave massive amounts of aid to the other nations of Thwendiel.



When the Tlaxtlans emerged as a sentient race, about 6000 years ago, they knew of no other life of their intelligence—and, indeed, they were correct (at least of their planet). They soon become dominant and started an empire, expanding and growing their empire until it reached all places of the world. Their culture developed, as did their language. They had major advances in science and 200 years ago they developed interplanetry travel, and other significant advancements. They colonised their moon and tried to colonise the moons of Maron, of which a handful were barely habitable with the aid of technology, but encountered resistance from the AF's already dominating presence. This, along with other things, eventually lead to a war. They are currently researching ways for interstellar travel that isn't impossible or impractical (ie, taking thousands of years, needing enormous amounts of fuel, etc).


At about the same time the Tlaxtlans emerged, so did two sentient races, one on the western continent, and the other on the eastern continents. These western race was much more developed in all areas compared to the eastern race but that didn't mean they were unstoppable. Throughout their history the two races have fought each other and themselves. Now, the western continent belongs solely to the western race, or the AF. The eastern continents belong mostly to the earstern race but there are many countries on these continents, each with its own culture, language, and there are huge variations in wealth and development (although it is becoming more even now). But it is the AFthat is the dominant power on Thwendiel and the entire system (although the Tlaxtlans were quite close, mainly because of their large population, but the War of Maron has seriously damaged them and the Úrimaurë Accords punished them harshly). They dominate militarily, scientifically, intellectually, physically, and so on. Thwendiel's moon has been colonised by the AF with annual visits of their top scientists, and any leaders when appropriate, permitted for the other race. Maron's moons have also been colonised by the AF (although these are temporary shifts and only for scientific studies and harvesting). As said above, this colonisation of Maron's moons led to the greatest war in the system's history.

The War of Maron[]

Th War of Maron was the greatest war in the history of the Quathalan system. It began when the Tlaxtlans first voyaged to Maron and its many moons when they were stopped by the Antyevala Federation who requested they leave. Angered and confused by this—because they thought they were the only sentient race in the system although that was quite ignorant of them: they had barely begun to look at Thwendiel—they went back to Velinor and told of what happened. The Tlaxtlan government then immediately ordered a top secret investigation by the Conguazlat into Maron, its moons, Thwendiel, its moon, and the other sentient species of the Quathalan system. But this was only partially successful for the AF was very technologically advanced and intelligent, and stopped or countered most of their missions.

The Antyevala Federation had done research of its own long before the Tlaxtlans had done research of them. They already knew of their existence and the threat they could be, which is why they didn't let them colonise any of Maron's moons because there were many valuable resources on them. While the AF didn't mean to be offensive, that was how it was taken. When the Tlaxtlans started investigating secretly, the AF nearly caught them every time, and sent them back to their own planet. The AF had little tolerance for unskilled and poorly planned missions and explicit provocations. Incidentally, they needed information of their own about the Tlaxtlan Empire's motives and future plans, so ordered its own covrt operations.

Nearing the start of the war, the Tlaxtlans managed, with some difficulty, to capture one of the AF's agents, imprisoned him, and tortured him, trying to get any information out of him. They were unsuccessful. When they sent his dead body back to the Antyevala Federation, they considered this a blatant act of war and immediately mobilised.

Come to the ending of the war and losses had been catastrophic. Millions had died, cities annihilated, economies collapsed. Eventually, when Antyevala had released its Titan Legions, the Tlaxtlans called for a truce. Negotiations were made on the Divine Hammer (AF's mother ship) in which the Antyevala Federation, including collaborations with United Nations' Alliance's opinion on the matters, decided the terms. This paperwork was called the Úrimaurë Accords because the Divine High Lord at the time was Laduin Úrimaurë, and it was through his guidance that Antyevala won. Once it was signed by all parties, all returned to their respective planets/moons to repair, rebuild and rearm. After the signing, the system has remained in relative peace.


Throughout all the nations the way society works and is varies greatly. The Tlaxtlans for example, have a strict hierarchical system in place, especially when it comes to issues of the monarchy, and life isn't very fast-paced, where as Antyevala almost seems to be one massive organism, with everyone doing their part for the nation. Other nations of Thwendiel are again different; some countries are very relaxed and have short working days, where as others have to work just to get the basic necessities.

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