

on a galactic scale

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Reex is a work in progress. CyberCheat is actively working on the article and more content will be added on an ongoing basis until complete.


Universe-->Basilicus Prime Cluster-->Basilicus Prime Galaxy-->Ionro Arm-->Kelos Sector-->Genesehres System-->Reex

World Statistics[]

Common name Reex
Scientific name Genesehres I
Planetary classification Local Ecohydrotemperate
Orbital radius

742480000000 MDU


11.579 SMU/MDU3

Mass 2.4816E+24 SMU
Radius 37124000 MDU
Surface gravity 180000 MDU per STU2
Escape velocity 3655800 MDU per STU
Orbital period 10818000 STU
Rotational period 1.030 GH
Axial tilt 25°
Atmospheric composition
  • 94% Oxygen
  • 1% Nitrogen
  • 5% other
Mean surface temperature 344 kin
System of measurement {{{planet weights and measures}}}
Language {{{planet language}}}
Society class
Population {{{planet population}}}
Anthem {{{planet anthem}}}
Motto {{{planet motto}}}
Currency {{{planet currency}}}
Productivity {{{planet productivity}}}
GDP {{{planet gdp}}}
Imports {{{planet imports}}}
Exports {{{planet exports}}}

Artificial Satellites: Genesregan


Work in Progress[]

This is a task list for this article. When you have completed something that is listed to your satisfaction then type an "x" in between the brackets on the edit screen. If you find something that is not complete to your satisfaction and it is "checked", then remove the "x" within the bracket. If all tasks are complete, go ahead and delete this section.


[ ] Location Tree
[ ] System
[ ] Scientific Name
[ ] Indigenous Name
[ ] Orbital Radius
[ ] Density
[ ] Orbital Duration
[ ] Radius
[ ] World Size
[ ] Acceleration Due to Gravity
[ ] Mass
[ ] Length of Day
[ ] Axial Tilt
[ ] Planet Class
[ ] Average Surface Temperature
[ ] Population
[ ] Density
[ ] Coordinates
[ ] Elevation
[ ] Time System
[ ] Governing Leadership


[ ] Summary
[ ] History
[ ] Geography
[ ] Climate
[ ] Geology
[ ] Government
[ ] Legal System
[ ] Economy
[ ] Demographics
[ ] Ethnicity
[ ] People and Culture
[ ] Religion
[ ] Arts and Entertainment
[ ] Cities
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Education
[ ] Sports
[ ] Media
[ ] Technology
[ ] Transportation


[ ] Planetscape
[ ] Flag/Banner
[ ] Seal/Symbol
[ ] Political Map
[ ] Geological Map
[ ] Climate Map
[ ] System Map/Location
[ ] Planet Picture

All items (2)