

on a galactic scale

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Shiss is the main star of the Shiss System, surrounded by eleven planets and a vast asteroid belt, and is the only stellar element within the Shiss Sector. It is a Class 1 Yellow-White main sequence star.

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[x] Location Tree
[ ] Region
[ ] Official Name
[ ] Indigenous Name
[ ] Flag/Banner
[ ] Seal/Symbol/Coat of Arms
[ ] Motto
[ ] Anthem
[ ] Capital
[ ] Largest Civilization
[ ] Official Language(s)
[ ] Government
[ ] Government Leader(s)
[x] Star Class
[ ] Average Temperature
[ ] Star Mass
[ ] Star Radius
[ ] Star Age
[ ] Worlds
[ ] Population
[ ] GDP/Productivity/Wealth
[ ] Time System


[ ] Summary
[ ] History
[ ] Geography
[ ] Climate
[ ] Geology
[ ] Government
[ ] Legal System
[ ] Foreign Relations
[ ] Military
[ ] Economy
[ ] Demographics
[ ] Ethnicity
[ ] People and Culture
[ ] Religion
[ ] Arts and Entertainment
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Education
[ ] Sports
[ ] Media
[ ] Technology
[ ] Transportation


[ ] Flag/Banner
[ ] Seal/Symbol
[ ] Political Map
[ ] Star System Map
[ ] Star Region Map
[ ] System Map/Location
[ ] Planetscapes

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