

on a galactic scale

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Universe-->Basilicus Prime Cluster-->Basilicus Prime Galaxy-->Ionro Arm-->Kelos Sector-->Kelos System-->Vovia


Inner Moons[]

All of these moons are too small, irregular and unstable for settlement. They serve no practical purpose for Kelosians, but are frequented during many cruises and explorations. Some of the moons reside in Vovia’s small ring and make for an exciting and beautiful place to visit, especially for the more daring (and expensive) EVA tours.

Greater Moons[]

Outer Moons[]

These are more asteroids than they are moons. Although they have no use for Kelosians, they are the subject of Vovian tours and cruises.

  • Adelli
  • Malia
  • Ysithera
  • Alaria
  • Nanki
  • Arma
  • Kasi
  • Inopera

Fairly useless as a resource, Vovia offers something else to the Kelos System: beauty. Particularly in recent years, Vovia has become the largest tourist attraction in the Kelos System and is famous for its beautiful resorts and wealthy residents. None of these resorts or settlements exist on Vovia, but rather in its orbit, taking capitalistic advantage of the cosmic view of the giant gas planet.

A giant planet of hydrogen and helium, Vovia has no solid surface and extreme winds. It is no place for Kelosian settlement. However, the beauty of the planet itself became a lure over its torrential environment. The surface of Vovia may not be stable, but its orbits are. Dozens of corporations and countries set up stations in Vovia’s orbit and millions flock to Vovia every year to enjoy the view.

Most of the orbital settlements that orbit Vovia are in the same orbit as Oria, Ropeu and Anemad because it is the most stable orbit around the giant. This orbit is called the Vovian Resonance Zone (VRZ). Some of the largest and wealthiest casinos in the galaxy are located in Vovian space, as well as luxury resorts that rival anything ever built on Crystaldeep. Some of the wealthiest people in Kelosian civilization keep their homes in orbit over Vovia as lone satellites. The less wealthy have communities on a satellite that keep their own private spaceports. Vove Station, is Vovia’s largest public spaceport, also locked in the same orbit.

Early on in Vovia’s development, the Congress of Crystaldeep allowed private interests to purchase space from Congressional Space. This real estate is now some of the most expensive in the Kelos System. Very few spaces are open in VRZ, but there is still a settlement race in other stable orbits. Those that own the orbital real estate are in an industry of their own and many also invest in Loese as well.

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[ ] Location Tree
[ ] System
[ ] Scientific Name
[ ] Indigenous Name
[ ] Orbital Radius
[ ] Density
[ ] Orbital Duration
[ ] Radius
[ ] World Size
[ ] Acceleration Due to Gravity
[ ] Mass
[ ] Length of Day
[ ] Axial Tilt
[ ] Planet Class
[ ] Average Surface Temperature
[ ] Population
[ ] Density
[ ] Coordinates
[ ] Time System
[ ] Governing Leadership


[ ] Summary
[ ] History
[ ] Geography
[ ] Climate
[ ] Geology
[ ] Government
[ ] Legal System
[ ] Economy
[ ] Demographics
[ ] Ethnicity
[ ] People and Culture
[ ] Religion
[ ] Arts and Entertainment
[ ] Cities
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Education
[ ] Sports
[ ] Media
[ ] Technology
[ ] Transportation


[ ] Planetscape
[ ] Flag/Banner
[ ] Seal/Symbol
[ ] Political Map
[ ] Geological Map
[ ] Climate Map
[ ] System Map/Location
[ ] Planet Picture

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