
Ocavian is a work in progress. Novodantis is actively working on the article and more content will be added on an ongoing basis until complete.


Common Attribution: Ocavian

Categorical Attribution: Ocavian

Evolutionary Star System: Oca System

Star Systems of Prominence:

  • Oca System
  • Barator System
  • Nostris System

Population Data: 23 billion

Largest Civilisation: Ocavian Dominion

Civilization class: Type B: Interstellar Society


Ocavians are amphibious beings with a very distinct physical appearance. They have a head like a crustacean; with a wide and heavy-set body, thick legs like tree stumps and arms ending in bulky hands with four long fin-like digits. An odd creature to behold, they prefer a liquid medium but breathe oxygen through a blowhole at the back of their neck, roughly in line with their upper limbs. As such when on land they are rarely seen without their liquid-filled helmets. Their language is composed of sounds vastly different to most races, so is typically synthesised into vocal speech by the Ocavian's helmet, in the listener's own language.

Ocavians are a highly proud race, clear set with their aims and very stubborn. They will always know what to do in any situation and if they don't, they will act as though they do. Ocavians are of an inherently peaceful nature and any friction with other races is usually down to rather petty issues that get out of hand. They are astute businessmen and have no aversion to taking advantage whenever possible.

Evolutionary History[]

Part of why the Ocavians appear to have such a bizarre dichotomy of preference is their complex evolutionary past. Genetic indicators suggest their ancestors have flitted between land and aquatic mediums several times. Their homeworld, Ocasan, is a largely tropical-climate archipelago. It exhibits a pattern known in Xenothropology as Species Palette; an eco system dominated by a few primary groups but with strongly marked species variation in each locality.

Pre-civilisation Ocavians spent about half of their time in water. They swam with their upper fins and laterally-jointed backbone, using the sea mainly to gather food; then walked upright when on land. It was this latter pursuit that led them to discover complex tools and their fins developed digits for utilising them. One remarkable trait of the Ocavian hand is rows of tiny hooks on the leading edge of their fingers that allows them to 'link' to a groove on the next finger, turning the fingers into a smooth fin extension. As such they remain incredible swimmers.


  • Organ redundancy
  • Exoskeleton
  • Lay eggs
